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Cardfight Vanguard | [BT12] Evenfall Onslaught | Evenfall Onslaught Booster Box

Cardfight Vanguard | [BT12] Evenfall Onslaught | Evenfall Onslaught Booster Box

Regular price $60.00 USD
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[VGE-D-BT12] Evenfall Onslaught
VGE-D-BT12: Evenfall Onslaught will feature multiple units that take the stage in "Cardfight!! Vanguard will+Dress Season3", scheduled to start broadcasting in July 2023!

Spotlighted on the packaging are Zakusa Ishigame and newly-turned Masques unit "Orfist"!

Product Specifications
1 pack contains 7 random cards
1 display contains 16 packs
Each pack is guaranteed to include 2 foiled cards!
96 types of cards [95 new cards, 1 reprint card]
(RRR: 15 types / RR: 21 types / R: 20 types / C: 40 types)
+ Marker card: 1 type (T: 1 type) + Parallels + Special Issue

Featured Nations: Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia

16 packs in 1 display
20 displays in 1 carton

Additionally, the Tournament Store Boost PR Pack Campaign will be available for this product as well!

Each PR Pack will contain 1 random card, with 6 types to collect!

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